Manufacturing implementation, Exports invoice, Excise Invoice & process implementation, Excise returns, VAT,CST, TDS. Service Tax including computation & returns from TallyPrime. Transaction based data synchronization activity from 2 factories to HO. Security rights & permissions across the organization. Payroll with all statutory formalities.
TallyPrime Implementation
in Hi-Tech Systems & Services.
Project Highlights
Discrete Manufacturing, Assembling & Exports.
Hi-Tech is a leading national provider of highly engineered, technologically advanced products and services in high performance markets. Their five product groups are Control Valves, Combustion Monitoring, Condition Monitoring, Level Instruments, Equipment & Spares which support core industries in India.
Initially, Hi-Tech had a Tally license in their organization. They had started evaluating various other ERP to automate their systems, processes, sales, manufacturing, excise etc. during their evaluation period they had identified few ERP products and planned for pilot run. The pilot run did not meet the desired management expectation. They had contacted Tally Solutions who in turned contacted Silicon Systems to implement the basic Tally functionality for their organization.
Team from Silicon Systems analysed their business requirements in details, It was seen by Silicon Systems team that Hi-Tech business requirement can have direct fitment within TallyPrime which is beyond basic deliverable. Firstly, Silicon team renewed the TallyPrime license. Next, Silicon Systems conducted a No-Cost-obligation Tally workshop for entire Hi-Tech team of 20-25 members. The outcome of the workshop led to identification of important business functions for implementation. These functions were discussed with the Hi-Tech team before the project kicked-off. Finally, TallyPrime had been configured and got rolled-out systematically across the departments, factories and coupled with intensive training to Hi-Tech team made the project a mega success. The implementation model applied was 'ZERO CUSTOMIZATION' on TallyPrime with Few Add-ons from tally Shop.
Hi-Tech enjoyed the TallyPrime implementation. every members liked the way processes had been implemented in TallyPrime. They liked the transaction wise data sync from different locations. Data consolidation from various transaction points. They initially had thought for managing their vast operations will require high-cost ERP, but observed with TallyPrime they got what they wanted and at an affordable cost. For the past 2 year TallyPrime implemented by Silicon Systems are being used by the customer.
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